Client Care

Our team strive to deliver exceptional conveyancing services and take great care to deliver the highest levels of quality in all areas of our work, to all of our clients.

If you have any concerns regarding our service to you which have not been resolved by your property lawyer or their manager or you feel that it would be helpful to escalate your concern, we would ask that you contact our Client Care Team at and we will respond to you within 1 working day. Please ensure you provide your case reference so that we can locate your matter without delay.

If you consider it more appropriate to raise a formal complaint about our services, you will find the detail of our Complaints Procedure below.

Complaints Procedure

If you have any complaint about the way in which your matter has been dealt with this is the procedure which Simply Conveyancing Property Lawyers will follow:

1. Simply Conveyancing Property Lawyers aims to provide you a high quality conveyancing service in every respect. Should you have any questions or concerns about our work for you, please take them up firstly with the member of staff who has conduct of your matter. If this does not resolve the issue to your satisfaction, please take up the issue with the Legal Manager who supervises the member of staff who has conduct of your file.

2. If, after raising the matter with the Legal Manager, your complaint about the service still has not been resolved to your satisfaction then please raise your complaint in writing to:

Compliance Team
Simply Conveyancing Property Lawyers
3 Caxton Close
NN11 8RT

3. Once we have received your complaint, we will write to you within 7 days to acknowledge your complaint and reply fully to your complaint within 28 days. This will allow us to undertake a thorough review of your file and investigate your complaint fully to provide you with a comprehensive response.

4. The assessment of the complaint will be based upon a sufficient and fair investigation. We will provide a written response of the findings and where the complaint is upheld will offer an appropriate remedy or redress.

5. If you are still dissatisfied with any aspect or our handling of your complaint, you are able to raise your complaint to a second stage. Please put any outstanding issues in writing to:

Ed Percival
Head of Legal Practice
Simply Conveyancing Property Lawyers
3 Caxton Close
NN11 8RT

Who will conduct a separate review of your complaint. You will be informed in writing about the conclusion of this review within 28 days.

6. If after following the review process you remain dissatisfied with any aspect of our handling of your complaint, you make contact directly the Legal Ombudsman to ask them to consider the complaint further:

Legal Ombudsman

Telephone: 0300 555 0333



7. Unless it agrees there are good reasons not to do so, the Legal Ombudsman will expect you to allow us to consider and respond to your complaint in accordance with the procedure set out above in the first instance. You can refer your complaint up to 6 months after you have received our final written response to your complaint. You can also use the Ombudsman service if we have not resolved your complaint within 8 weeks of us receiving it. A complaint can be referred to the Legal Ombudsman up to one year from the date of the act or omission, or up to one year after discovering a problem. The Ombudsman deals with service related complaints; any conduct related complaints will be referred to the Council for Licensed Conveyancers.

8. In order to comply with the EU Directive on Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution, we must also inform you that certified alternative dispute resolution services are available from complaints bodies such as Small Claims Mediation (telephone 0300 123 4593 email which are able to deal with complaints about legal services should both you and ourselves wish to use such a scheme.

9. We, Simply Conveyancing Property Lawyers Ltd, do not agree to use the Small Claims Mediation alternative dispute resolution scheme.